Project Description

About this Project

1968 III/51 Casavant organ was removed for renovations to the sanctuary. It was reinstalled with a new console, and preparations for new additions.  All reservoirs and winkers were releathered as a part of this process.

Stop List

GREAT 1. Quintaden 16′
Unenclosed 2. Prinzipal 8′
Manual II 3. Bordun 8′
4. Oktav 4′
5. Rohrgedackt 4′
6. Rauschquint II 2 2/3′
7. Waldflöte 2′
8. Mixture IV 1 1/3′
9. Trompette en chamade 8′
10. French Horn (Choir) 8′
11. Clarinet (Choir) 8′
non-coupling 12. Trompette Harmonique 8′
13. Great Unison Off


SWELL 1. Salizional 8′
Expressive 2. Vox Celestis tc 8′
Manual III 3. Rohrflöte 8′
4. Spitzflöte 4′
5. Nachthorn 4′
6. Prinzipal 2′
7. Scharff IV 2/3′
8. Fagott 16′
9. Oboe 8′
10. Klarine 4′
11. Tremulant
non-coupling 12. Trompette Harmonique 8′
13. Swell Sub 16′
14. Swell Unison Off


CHOIR 1. Dulciana 16′
Expressive 2. Geigen Prinzipal 8′
Floating 3. Hohlflöte 8′
4. Dulciana 8′
5. Unda Maris 8′
6. Gemshorn 4′
7. Traversflöte 4′
8. Flageolet 2′
9. Cornopean 8′
10. Clarinet 8′
11. French Horn 8′
12. Chimes
13. Tremulant
14. Choir Sub 16′
15. Choir Unison Off
16. Choir Super 4′


POSTIF 1. Gedackt 8′
Unenclosed 2. Prinzipal 8′
Manual I 3. Koppelflöte 4′
4. Gemshorn 4′
5. Quintflöte 1 1/3′
6. Sesquialtera II
7. Zimbel III 1/3′
8. Krummhorn 8′
9. Positif Unison Off
non-coupling 10. Trompette Harmonique 8′


ANTIPHONAL 1. Prinzipal 8′
Unenclosed 2. Lieblichflöte 8′
Floating 3. Echo Salizional 8′
4. Oktav 4′
5. Offenflöte 4′
6. Tremulant
7. Antiphonal Super 4′
8. Trompette Harmonique 8′


PEDAL 1. Untersatz 32′
Unenclosed 2. Prinzipal 16′
3. Subbass 16′
4. Dulciana (Choir) 16′
5. Oktav 8′
6. Dulciana (Choir) 8′
7. Gedackt Pommer 8′
8. Oktav 4′
9. Rohrflöte 4′
10. Blockflöte 2′
11. Mixture IV 2′
12. Kontra Posaune 32′
13. Posaune 16′
14. Tromba (Choir) 16′
15. Trompete 8′
16. Schalmei 4′


COUPLERS 1. Great to Pedal 8′
2. Swell to Pedal 8′
3. Positif to Pedal 8′
4. Choir to Pedal 8′
5. Choir to Pedal 4′
6. Antiphonal to Pedal 8′
7. Swell to Great 16′
8. Swell to Great 8′
9. Postif to Great 16′
10. Postif to Great 8′
LCD Display Screen
11. Swell to Positif 16′
12. Swell to Positif 8′
13. Choir on Great
14. Choir on Swell
15. Choir on Positif
16. Antiphonal on Great
17. Antiphonal on Swell
18. Antiphonal on Positif