Project Description

About this Project

This project consisted of refurbishing the existing console with new gate-leg bench, new switching system, and digital additions. The organ is from 1970, built by the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co.

Stop List

pipes notes
GREAT 1. Violone 16′ 61
Unenclosed 2. Principal 8′ 61
Manual II 3. Violone 8′ 12
4. Harmonic Flute 8′ 61
5. Bourdon 8′ 61
6. Koppelflute 4′
7. Octave 4′ 61
8. Blockflute 2′ 61
9. Mixture IV-VI 244
10. Trumpet 8′ 61
11. Cornopean 8′ 61
12. Trompette EnChamade 8′ 61
13. Chimes 32
14. Tremulant
15. Great to Great 16′
16. Great Unison Off
17. Great to Great 4′
pipes notes
SWELL 1. Bourdon 16′ 73
Expressive 2. Erzahler 16′ 12
Manual III 3. Principal 8′ 73
4. Viole de Gambe 8′ 61
5. Viole Celeste 8′ 56
6. Erzahler 8′ 61
7. Erzahler Celeste 8′ 56
8. Rohrlfute 8′ 61
9. Principal 4′ 61
10. Spitzflute 4′ 61
11. Nazard 2 2/3′ 61
12. Spillflute 2′ 61
13. Tierce 1 3/5′ 61
14. Plein Jeu III-V 183
15. Fagotto 16′ 61
16. Trompette 8′ 61
17. Clarinet 8′ 61
18. Flugel Horn 8′ 61
19. Clarion 4′
20. Trompette EnChamade (GT) 8′
21. Tremulant
22. Swell to Swell 16′
23. Swell Unison Off
24. Swell to Swell 4′
pipes notes
POSITIVE 1. Dulciana 16′
Unenclosed 2. Geigen Principal 8′ 61
Manual I 3. Dulciana 8′
4. Gedeckt 8′ 61
5. Erzahler Celeste II (SW) 8′
6. Geigen Octave 4′ 12
7. Erzahler Celeste II (SW) 4′
8. Nachthorn 4′ 61
9. Principal 2′ 61
10. Quinte 1 1/3′ 61
T.C. 11. Sesquialtera II 122
12. Clarinet 8′ 61
N.C. 13. Trompette EnChamade (GT) 8′
14. Tuba 8′ 61
15. Tremulant
16. Positive to Positive 16′
17. Positive Unison Off
18. Positive to Positive 4′
pipes notes
ANTIPHONAL 1. Grand Diapason 16′ 12
Expressive 2. Bourdon 16′ 61
Floating 3. Grand Diapason 8′ 61
4. Flauto Mirabalis 8′ 61
5. Doppleflute 8′ 61
6. Flute Celeste II 8′
7. Diapason 4′ 12
8. Silver Flute 4′ 61
9. Piccolo 2′ 12
10. Tromba 16′ 12
11. Tromba 8′ 61
12. Cornopean 8′ 61
13. French Horn 8′ 61
14. English Horn 8′ 61
15. Clarion 4′ 12
16. Tremolo
17. Antiphonal to Antiphonal 16′
18. Unison Off
19. Antiphonal to Antiphonal 4′
pipes notes
PEDAL 1. Contra Bass 32′
Unenclosed 2. Untersatz 32′ 32
3. Principal 16′ 32
4. Subbass 16′ 32
5. Violone (GT) 16′
6. Erzahler (SW) 16′
7. Bourdon (SW) 16′
8. Octave 8′ 12
9. Gedeckt 8′ 12
10. Violone (GT) 8′
11. Choralebass 4′ 32
12. Cantusflute 4′ 32
13. Nachthorn 2′ 32
14. Mixture IV 128
15. Contraposaune 32′ 32
16. Posaune 16′ 32
17. Fagotto 16′ 32
18. Trompette 8′ 12
19. Clarion 4′ 12
20. Schalmei 4′ 32
21. Trompette EnChamade 8′


COUPLERS 1. Great to Pedal 8′
2. Great to Pedal 4′
3. Swell to Pedal 8′
4. Swell to Pedal 4′
5. Positive to Pedal 8′
6. Positive to Pedal 4′
7. Antiphonal to Pedal 8′
8. Antiphonal to Pedal 4′
9. Swell to Great 16′
10. Swell to Great 8′
11. Swell to Great 4′
12. Positive to Great 16′
13. Positive to Great 8′
14. Positive to Great 4′
Display Screen
15. Swell to Positive 16′
16. Swell to Positive 8′
17. Swell to Positive 4′
18. Positive to Swell 16′
19. Positive to Swell 8′
20. Positive to Swell 4′
21. Antiphonal on Great
22. Antiphonal on Swell
23. Antiphonal on Positive
24. Great/Positive exchange
25. All Swells to Swell