Project Description

About this Project

Originally built by the Casavant firm in the 1960’s, this instrument has seen a number of revisions and renovations over time.  In 2004 we completely renovated the console and switching system on the instrument and made several additions.  In 2009, a generous gift enabled the church to purchase a new four manual console to control the instrument as well as several other additions made at the same time.

Stop List

GREAT 1. Violone 16′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 8′
Manual II 3. Flute 8′
4. Gemshorn 8′
5. Octave 4′
6. Hohlflute 4′
7. Quint 2 2/3′
8. Super Octave 2′
9. Nasat 1 1/3′
10. Mixture IV 1 1/3′
11. Trompete 8′
non-coupling 12. Trompette en Chamade 8′
non-coupling 13. Tuba (Choir) 8′
14. Chimes
15. Great to Great 16′
16. Great Unison Off
17. Great to Great 4′


SWELL 1. Gedeckt 16′
Expressive 2. Geigen Principal 8′
Manual III 3. Stopped Diapason 8′
4. Viola da Gambe 8′
5.  Voix Celeste 8′
6. Flute Celeste II 8′
7. Spitz Principal 4′
8. Gemshorn 4′
9. Flauto 4′
10. Doublette 2′
11. Plein Jeu III 2′
12. Basson 16′
13. Trumpet 8′
14. Oboe 8′
15. Vox Humana 8′
16. Oboe Clarion 4′
17. Tremulant
18. Swell to Swell 16′
19. Swell Unison Off
20. Swell to Swell 4′


CHOIR 1. English Diapason 8′
Expressive 2. Chimney Flute 8′
Manual I 3. Melodia 8′
4. Viola 8′
5. Dulciana 8′
6. Unda Maris 8′
7. Principal 4′
8. Lieblich Flöte 4′
9. Nazard 2 2/3′
10. Piccolo 2′
11. Terz 1 3/5′
12. Octave 1′
13. Cymbal III 1′
non-coupling 14. Trompette en chamade 8′
non-coupling 15. Tuba 8′
16. Clarinet 8′
17. Harp
18. Tremulant
19. Choir to Choir 16′
20. Choir Unison Off
21. Choir to Choir 4′


SOLO 1. Grand Gamba 16′
Expressive 2. Diapason 8′
Manual IV 3. Harmonic Flute 8′
4. Gamba 8′
5. Gamba Celeste 8′
6. Octave 4′
7. Orchestral Flute 4′
8. Cornet IV 4′
9. Grand Jeu VII 1 1/3′
10. Bombarde 16′
11. Trompette 8′
12. Clairon 4′
13. Cromorne 8′
14. French Horn 8′
non-coupling 15. Trompette en chamade 8′
16. Tremulant
17. Solo to Solo 16′
18. Solo Unison Off
19. Solo to Solo 4′


GALLERY 1. Open Diapason 8′
Expressive 2. Bourdon 8′
w/ Solo 3. Voix Angelique II 8′
Floating 4. Octave 4′
5. Fifteenth 2′
6. Mixture IV 1 1/3′
7. Flugel Horn 8′
Trompette en chamade 8′
8. Pedal Bourdon 16′


PEDAL 1. Contra Bourdon 32′
Unenclosed 2. Contra Bass 16′
3. Violone (Great) 16′
4. Bourdon 16′
5. Gedeckt (Swell) 16′
6. Octave 8′
7. Violone (Great) 8′
8. Stopped Flute 8′
9. Choral Bass 4′
10. Cantus Flute 4′
11. Nachthorn 4′
12. Mixture IV 2 2/3′
13. Bombarde 32′
14. Posaune 16′
15. Basson (Swell) 16′
16. Trompete 8′
17. Tuba (Choir) 8′
18. Oboe (Swell) 8′
19. Klarine 4′
20. Chimes